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Logo Sklep Impuls Alkohol Czech, Polish Craft and Import beer

Kutnohorská Bronzová 10

Kutnohorská Bronzová 10


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The first of three bottom-fermented beers whose names refer to the mining history of the city. Brown Kutnohorská 10 ° has a godmother Kateřina Dačická, who bears the medieval name of the founders of the brewery. But when drinking, you do not have to reach far into the past, today it is beer every day. Brewed from three malts and two types of Czech hops.

Container Vol.

Bottle 500ml




Bright lager

Original Gravity

10 BLG


Sládek, Žatecký poloraný červeňák

EAN 8594187611002

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PRODUCENT -  Kutnahora

Our slogan SINGLE ORIGINAL is associated not only with the local name of the brewery's headquarters. It refers to the entire long history of beer production in Kutná Hora. History began to be written in the old days of silver mining, when a Gothic fortress grew up next to the mining settlement of Lorec, and the history of the city has been going on for five centuries. That is why the true inhabitants of Kutná Hora are proud of their brewery in their genes and pass it on to other generations. The intention of the competition, which decided to stop the production of Kutná Hora beer, did not bring them to their knees. The brewery complex was left without equipment only by an empty shell. However, genius loci cannot be dismantled or removed. The bourgeois brewery in Kutná Hora was gradually renovated over several years.