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Moon Lark / Pinta Stey Here #2

Moon Lark / Pinta Stey Here #2


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Profil aromatyczny tego piwa jest wzmocniony przez obecność chmielu Nelson Sauvin, który wnosi do piwa subtelne nuty białego wina, liczi, mango i grejpfruta. Te aromaty owocowe sprawiają, że piwo jest wyjątkowo soczyste i świeże, idealne na letnie dni.

Fermentacja tego piwa odbywa się przy użyciu szczepu drożdży przeznaczonych do piw w stylu Hazy IPA, co dodaje piwu charakterystycznego profilu smakowego i aromatycznego. Piwo to zostało stworzone we współpracy z Browarem PINTA, co dodaje mu unikalnego charakteru i związku z lokalnymi piwowarami.

Container Vol.

Can 500ml




Ipa, Light, Oaty

Original Gravity

14 BLG


Centennial, Nelson Sauvin

EAN 5905255346390

Interested in wholesale offer? Contact us.

More products from Moon Lark

PRODUCENT -  Moon Lark

Moon Lark is a craft brewery, mead shop and seltzernia. Three alcoholic threads, tied together by two friends, under one brand. We share the desire to write our own story and passion for extraordinary flavors. You will find us in Poręba near Zawiercie, where one long evening we heard a lark trelling to the moon – that's how our name was created. We have been brewing beer for years. One of the founders and main brewer of Moon Lark is Paweł Masłowski. You can count on IPAs full of aromatic hops, fruity and refreshing sour beers or complex and rich stouts and porters. Regardless of the style, we attach great importance to the quality and palatability of our products. We want you to reach for them with curiosity and often return to your favorite positions. In the case of meads, Moon Lark combines the tradition of Polish mead production with a new wave approach to these drinks. We produce session honey using the craft method, as well as strong, sweet ones – filled with additives and long-maturing in oak barrels. If you have not had the opportunity to get to know this world closer, you will be surprised by the comprehensive and rich taste of mead. Hard seltzers, or alcoholic fruit drinks, conquered the American market. They are formed as a result of fermentation – just like beer. We focus on their artisanal edition and quality ingredients. We want to offer light versions, valued for low calorific value and fruity, smoothie consistency. Original flavors, guaranteed refreshment effect and relatively low alcohol content are the strengths of seltzers. We value minimalism. Creating the world of the Moon Lark brand and packaging of beers, honey and hard seltzers, we focused on a simple and modern form. We hope you will easily find us in the store and you will be happy to go to the tasting.