Svijanska Kněžna 13
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Svijanská Kněžna is a dark specialty, made from selected special malts that give it a specific coffee-caramel flavor. It is denser, thanks to four types of roasted malts, thanks to which it also acquires its typical color, i.e. without dyeing. Suitable for cooking or can be combined with any Svijanské beer – thanks to different combinations you will get different flavors, aromas and gradations.
Container Vol. | Bottle 500ml |
Alkohol | 5.2% |
Original Gravity | 13 BLG |
Style | Bright lager |
EAN | 8594030010068 |
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In 1990, the state-owned company Pivovary Vratislavice nad Nisou was founded, of which the Svijany Brewery is a part. In 1992, the state-owned enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company, and in 1997 it became part of a.s. Prague Breweries, whose majority owner is the English brewing company Baas. Svijany Brewery is the oldest and smallest brewery in this group. Thanks to the business policy of Pivovary Vratislavice a.s. and later Pražské pivovarů a.s., the Svijanský brewery is undergoing a sales crisis and is threatened with closure. Svijanské pivo is becoming more and more popular among its closest neighbours, so in the summer of 2014 a subsidiary of Svijany Slovensko was established, which ensures the supply of fresh beer to more remote areas of Slovakia. At the end of 2014, the Town Hall Cellar in Liberec, the brewery's first branded restaurant, was officially opened.