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STATIONARY STORE: ul. Długa 24, Chorzów

Logo Sklep Impuls Alkohol Czech, Polish Craft and Import beer

Czarna Owca

It’s a one-of-a-kind place, created from the need to do something “cool”. Because what can be more satisfying than making one-of-a-kind beer? Beer filled with passion and originality.

We want everyone who tries our beer to want to share our beer love passion and start a serious search for taste sensations in a glass of frothy drink. Let this search also lead you to the products of other craft breweries. We believe that: “good competition is good”.

All our products are unique and one of a kind, thanks to which the moment when you drink our beer is unique. Each series each time slightly differs in taste. Why? Because we are constantly striving for perfection. We are only limited by our imagination and the requirements of a specific style of beer. All bottles are hand labeled and then packaged. We know that machines perform some tasks more efficiently, but we prefer to focus on craftsmanship and giving each bottle an individual character.